Thursday, October 27, 2011

Keep Dreaming...

The Rangers' are on the precipice of something I thought I would never see. I was in such doubt, I even allowed the "ESPN Curse*" to sway me to pick the Cardinals in five games. To be honest, my gut also told me Cards. My heart said Rangers. My head played the theme song from "I Dream of Genie."

When Chris Carpenter started the series off by having trouble locating the catcher's mitt (followed by some less than child friendly phrases) I started to feel good. Then C.J. Wilson decided "anything you can do, I can do better." Or worse. Depending on your perspective. Carpenter might have been suffering from problems with his elbow. CJ looks like he is suffering from problems with his confidence. That is something I thought I would never say about CJ. His tweets have become far and fewer in between. His hash-tag #throwstrikes isn't there. Whatever it is, I hope he finds what made him the borderline over-confident southpaw that #throwstrikes. Unless he signs with another team.

So what we got was a Game 1 that felt like a blind date. Two teams that weren't quite sure what to do or how to act. While both teams possessed World Series experience, that didn't make this date any easier to navigate.
(Please tell me that I am not the only one who has had to fumble through a set-up.)
The Cardinals were able to make the more impressive first impression with a 3-2 win thanks to pinch-hit hero Allen Craig.

Game 2 gave us a little less awkwardness. Instead, it was two healthy quality pitchers going at it. That was until Michael Young showed why the Rangers signed Adrian Beltre in the off-season when a grounder went off of his glove and into the outfield. Luckily, Young would get a chance to atone with his bat. Young sacrificed. Literally. He drove in the winning run on a sacrifice fly. This would nullify a deja-vu moment for Alexi Ogando who again gave up the go-ahead run to... pinch-hitter Allen Craig.

Game 3 gave us the game all of the "experts" said we would get. A slug-fest. Pitchers on both sides continually found more wood than leather. Albert Pujols spent the last two days being questioned as to why he left without addressing the media. Then, he did their job for them again by smashing three home-runs in a 16-7 win. I wondered if that could possibly be the score for the Cowboys-Rams game the next day. Then it hit me. They're the Rams. 16 points? No. Seven. Maybe on a good day. At this point, the fan in me saw this tale before. Rangers just aren't good enough. This isn't their year. No year is their year. We sign the best player in baseball and get progressively worse every year. I told my wife "Series over." Even as I tried to talk myself off of the ledge by reminding myself that no one comes back from a butt-kicking like the Rangers, I also had to remind myself that Derek Holland loomed. The season is down to Dutch and his 'stache. I feel sick.

Game 4 hung on one big question: Which Dutch? Would it be the Holland that recorded four complete game shut-outs? Or would it be the one who struggled against good hitting teams like the Tigers in the ALCS? Holland shut me up. He pitched an absolute gem nearly going the distance in eight plus innings. The pitching performance had actually captured more viewers than the Saints drilling of the hapless Colts.

Game 5 was a game that would leave the Rangers grasping on the road or the Cards fleeing for sanctuary. The Cardinals weren't fleeing. They weren't looking for sanctuary. But they might now be looking for the cell phones. Confusion in the bullpen. Two horrifically botched hit-and-runs with Pujols not swinging and then swinging at pitch he had no business considering. A home-run from Adrian Beltre's knees. Napoli doing whatever he wanted with a ball late in the game. All of this led to a 4-2 Rangers' win and put the Cards on the brink of elimination.

If the Rangers win the World Series, they will have beaten the mastermind (Tony LaRussa), the best pitcher in the league (Justin Verlander), the best hitter over the last few years (Albert Pujols), the hottest team entering into the playoffs (Tampa Bay Rays) and the wise old man-ager (Jim Leyland). For a Ranger fan, this has been an incredible season. I never thought it would happen. But at one win away, do I dare keep dreaming of what might be within the next two nights?

Side Thoughts
-Tony LaRussa's daughter tweeted and (to be fair deleted) a commented posted in reference to Ron Washington. Unfortunately, Wash is not the only manager with a history of substance abuse. Yes, alcohol is legal. Being asleep at a stop light behind the wheel with a blood alcohol content of .093 is not.

-For those that believe there is no merit to LaRussa's claim that crowd noise may have played a role in the bullpen mix-up during Game 5 of the World Series in Arlington, roll back your cynicism. The Rangers' bullpen runs longways along the outfield wall and pitchers who are warming up can be seen from the field. By stark contrast, the visiting bullpen is hidden behind the outfield wall. Also instead of running along the wall such as the home bullpen, the visiting bullpen runs into the stands. This means that over three quarters of the visitor's bullpen is surrounded by fans. Add to the fact that over 50,000 people are sensing things never before imagined in Arlington, there might be some merit. I am not saying it is the whole story. I am just saying that crowd noise may have played a role in the Cardinals' difficulty in communicating.

-Am I the only one that feels like they are watching Jack Parkman (5:45 mark) from Major League II when they see Albert Pujols in this series? He may not have sunk to the level of refusing to high-five teammates but he has left his teammates to answer for his error and absence, gotten defensive with the media, and at times just looks completely solo. I am not in the clubhouse. He may be a great guy and a better friend.  However, this is not the Albert Pujols I have heard so much about and tried to imagine what the name Pujols would look like in Ranger font. That Albert Pujols is a saint. This Albert Pujols allegedly and inexplicably sent Allen Craig on a hit-and-run in the seventh. When there was only a run and no hit, Allen was DOA at second. Hopefully, I am just mistaking his demeanor as focus and not isolation.

Here are a couple of new features I have been thinking about. I hope you enjoy them.
I am very opinionated. I express what I believe with the information that I have. It is nothing new. People error all of the time. ESPN pay people who do this all of the time. But sometimes, I get really harsh. And when I am wrong, I feel an obligation to man-up. Own my baggage and admit I was wrong. If I am going to skewer someone, I better be ready to acknowledge them when they make me look like an... You get the idea. So for the first time ever, Mike Mans Up.
Last week, I expressed my displeasure with the job that Tommy Tuberville has done with this Red Raider program. I even toyed with the idea of naming a weekly disappointment award "The Tuberville." Then, Texas Tech did this. After trailing 31-7, it took a furious rally by Oklahoma just to make the game respectable. So I must man up and apologize to Tuberville. A 30-point underdog playing in the best home field in all of sports, pro or college.

I am sorry Mr. Tuberville. I will give you more time before I call for your head again. And knowing me, I will.

After today, the following two sections will be referred to as "Weekend Wows" and "Weak-end Woes." This is to accommodate the fact that many times my surprises and setbacks do not necessarily occur on Sunday.
Sunday's Surprise
Texas Tech Red Raiders: The year was 2008. Texas Tech was No. 2 in the nation. They were coming off of a dramatic win over the hated Horns and a drilling of Oklahoma State. They walked into Norman with national title hopes. They left with Sooner footprints all over their backs. In 2011, they returned the favor. Controlling most of the game OU had to rally from a 31-7 deficit just to make the score respectable. This time it was OU with the title hopes. Again in Norman enjoying a remarkable 39 game home-winning streak. Tech was nothing more than a 30 point underdog that kicked OU in the groin and then broke their hearts just as OU did 3 years earlier.

Derek Holland: Here is a guy I have run down on countless occasions. Always liked him as a bullpen guy. Loved him as trade bait. Dutch Oven shut me up as well as every Cardinal not named Lance Berkman as he threw 8 1/3 two-hit (Berkman with both) shutout innings. Even I wanted him to finish. Oh well. He will have to settle for the ovation that all of North Texas gave him.
Houston Texans: No Andre. No Mario. Division rival. Toughest competition for the division title. How did Houston respond to the situation proposed to them? With a 41-7 butt kicking of the Titans.

Sunday's Setbacks
Albert Pujols: Okay. So he absolutely murdered the ball in Game 3. A Game 2 gaffe and a going hitless in Games 1, 2, 4 and 5. It doesn't matter how many times Texas walks him. If he can't hit and drive in runs, the Cardinals have ZERO shot at pulling out the next two games. There is a reason the Rangers will walk him. He is not a serious threat for a stolen base and he cannot put himself as well as those in front of him on home plate if he is not hitting the ball.

Cleveland Browns: Six points. 6. One touchdown. Two field goals. Maybe three safeties. They all equal six points. The Rangers scored seven on Saturday night in a baseball game and got their butts handed to them. The Browns' saving grace: Seattle Sea-chickens who scored 3.

Rangers Lineup: Yes, the same Texas Rangers that are one win away from a World Championship. Mitch Moreland is most likely done for the series. His only hope of playing again is 8th or 9th inning with a slim lead. Why is this such a big deal for a guy who has a postseason batting average of .111? His defense has been invaluable. The Rangers are 7-1 when he starts at first. When he is sitting: 3-4. I understand you need your captain (Michael Young) on the field. I know it is tough for the Rangers to try to work in some one's defense without sacrificing the leadership or production in other areas. Doesn't make it any less disappointing. It is also disappointing that David Murphy is hitting .324 and plays good defense. Yet, he cannot keep his spot in the line-up simply due to the fact that he is a left-hander facing a left-hander. Everyone will remember "Captain" Murphy. (Okay so he is not the captain. Just the name "Murphy" elicits memories of the great character from Sealab 2021.) If the Rangers lose this series, this will be one decision that many Ranger fans will question.
Looking Forward
Redskins @ Bills
Lions @ Broncos
Steelers @ Patriots
Cowboys @ Eagles
Chargers @ Chiefs
*I accused ESPN of being too heavy for the Rangers' bandwagon as it seems every time that ESPN starts believing in them, they fall apart.

^I apoloigize for the resposting. This was originally posted on Thursday October 27, 2011. I am currently experiencing several problems with Blogger. I am finding edits, additions, subtractions and formatting are not being accurately reflected in the published work. My sincerest apoliges and I will continue to work until I find all appropriate solutions. Thank you.

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