Saturday, October 29, 2011

Wake Up Screaming

Wow. This one hurts. What do I say? I do know how the fans of the 1986 Boston Red Sox feel. (Do not make the argument that they had at least won a title. When the majority of your fan base has never celebrated a championship, all titles captured are nullified.)

So close. One strike away. Twice. I was at work when Game 6 concluded. I remember feeling like all life just left my body. I couldn't remember the last time I felt like that. No, Game 5 of the 2006 NBA Finals didn't even come close. Yeah, that sucked. But baseball was the first sport I really took a liking to. And the Rangers were the first team I attached any emotion to. I grew up a Bulls fan. I hoped the best for the Mavs but how could I root against Michael "Air" Jordan?

You know how they say that you always remember your first kiss/date/girlfriend/um... time? Yeah, well I don't remember the names of those firsts let alone dates. I do remember that on Saturday, August 4, 1990, I went to my very first Ranger game at the old Arlington Stadium. I remember standing for "Oh Canada." Bobby Witt would throw a complete game in a 3-2 win over the Toronto Blue Jays. I was eight years old. It was official. I was attached to the Rangers for life.

So when the Rangers managed to lose the lead... twice... one strike away... twice, 21 years of disappointment wasn't washed away. It was back. Most of sports talk across the nation was focused on the thrilling Game 6 and the amazing six stories these teams have told over the last nine days. However, here in Texas, there was not a sense of ah and wonder. There was a sense of a loss. Some people probably took this harder than the death of a close family member. (In today's sports world, that doesn't shock me.)

For me, if the Cowboys or Texans lose, there is disappointment. But it happens. When Red Raiders or "hometown" Frogs lose, it's easily acceptable. However, when the Rangers lose a series that big and in that fashion, it sucks.

I hope the players all around Major League Baseball are able to find speedy recoveries. I hope that my Rangers use this time to heal physically, digest mentally, and recover emotionally. But with free agency set to start tonight at midnight, there is no time for rest for the scouts, front offices, analysts, agents, and writers; or this blogger. The 2012 season starts at MIDNIGHT!!! Good luck to your favorite teams; except if they are playing my Rangers.

Side Thoughts
-After they get done digesting what just happened, they must also look at what must be done to ensure that one strike away turns into a world championship. A word of caution. They would be wise to learn from the Yankees and Red Sox. They should spend money wisely. While going after a Prince Fielder or Albert Pujols would make SportsCenter headlines, they do not always equal championships. Ask the Phillies as well.

-If you are a Rangers fan, keep you're eye on the following names:
Prince Fielder, Albert Pujols (don't hold your breath), C.C. Sabathia, Michael Cuddyer, Coco Crisp, Corey Patterson, Cody Ross, Grady Sizemore, Jason Kubel, Mark Buehrle, Heath Bell, Jonathon Papelbon, Matt Capps, Ryan Madson, Brad Lidge, Chad Qualls, Mike Gonzalez, and J.C. Romero. Gonzalez will probably re-sign with Texas. C.J. Wilson, probably will not sign. While the prize seems to be Prince or Albert, Cuddyer or Kubel can play first or the outfield although neither is likely to play center. The Rangers will want to keep Hamilton out of center which opens the door for Crisp, Patterson, Ross, and Sizemore. Buehrle didn't have his best year, but still had a solid year and if Mike Maddux can get him close to what he was, then Buehrle automatically becomes the best pitcher available. Michael Young still makes for a solid short-term back-up in the infield, but the Rangers should look elsewhere to fill the defensive void at first if Moreland cannot return to 2010 form. Pujols plays really good defense and hits as well as anyone, but will cost entirely too much. Fielder is not an upgrade in the field over Young and putting him at DH takes away the hitting consistency that Young brings. Fielder, Pujols, and Sabathia also will cost a lot leaving the Rangers financially tight to make moves elsewhere and extending current players' contracts. With Young making $16 million and defensive skills declining, the Rangers might consider trading him. However, doing so could leave a leadership void and upset a fan base that for the most part, holds Young in the highest regard.

-I am tired of hearing about how unlikely the St. Louis Cardinals are as world champions. Look at their team. Pujols, Holliday, Berkman, Furcal, Molina, Carpenter, Garcia. Remember they did not even have Adam Wainright. The surprising part to me is that they were 10 1/2 games out of any playoff spot in August. What took them so long? Yes. The Rangers have a great team. But the Cardinals had all of the pieces as well. Throw in experience and the Cards had no business being that far back. As I watched the series, the Rangers were fortunate to be in the series after three games. They were evenly matched but the Cardinals did what they had to when they had to do it.

-I generally believe that blaming (umpires/referees) officials is often too convenient and a way for fans to deny that their team just wasn't good enough. Generally, officials call a fairly good game. While they make mistakes, one can generally find where both teams were robbed. While I do believe the right team won the World Series, Jerry Layne called a World Series that was inexcusable and should put him on watch from the MLB. One report from the UEFL stated that out of 17 missed ball/strike calls, 14 benefited the Cardinals. This is the same ump that missed Adrian Beltre fouling a ball off of his foot and awarding the Cardinals an easy ground-out. And people say that Ron Kulpa had no business being an ump in this series since he is from St. Louis. (While Kulpa did miss the Napoli tag in Game 3, he was the home plate umpire for Holland's gem and ruled (correctly) that Kinsler had safely stolen second on a close call in Game 2.) I can handle a missed call on a bang-bang play. Especially in baseball where replay is minimal. But when an ump's strike zone overwhelmingly favors one team, there needs to be some action. Game 7 of the World Series is not a place to stage such a poor performance from an official; especially not the one at home plate.

-I was hoping the conclusion of the World Series would equal the conclusion of Brian Wilson. Am I the only person in the world who does not find him to be funny?

-I would love to see MLB adopt a replay system similar to the NFL's. You get two challenges a game. The manager simply approaches the umpire that made the call and tells him what he would like reviewed. The manager may request a replay review on any play that is not a ball/strike call except in the event of a check-swing. Give the umpires a chance to get it right. It gives the game credibility and if they can properly overturn a call, it can cut down on the verbal abuse they are subjected to.  

-I just finished watching Oklahoma State demolish Baylor. Either Baylor is that awful and over-rated or OK State is that good. Next week's match-up in Lubbock will go a long way in determining how good Gundy's Cowboys are. They have already won at A&M. Can they take down the high powered Red Raiders?

-When Mike Gundy had this rant against Jenni Carlson, most of American media mocked him for his display and chastised him for verbally going after Ms. Carlson. At that point, I told my friend Bryan that he would make OK State better. High school kids wouldn't care whether the article had merit or not. High school kids want to play for a coach who has their backs. Right now, the Cowboys sit at number three in the nation and with a win next week should move up to number two since numbers one and two play each other next week. Gundy's Cowboys control their own destiny in route to a national title. Can't say that for Boise State or Oklahoma.

-It is funny how many people complain about the BCS drawing up these hypothetical scenarios on which there are about eight undefeated teams. Yet, in the end, there are generally only two or three. The college football season generally works itself out.

Coburn's Call-Out
The player that needs to step it up this week is Peyton Hillis. He has missed games due to strep (seriously) and a strained hamstring. When he has been on the field, the Madden cover boy has struggled averaging only 3.5 yards a carry. While I wish him and his wife a long and happy marriage, he needs to quit worrying about a contract and start performing. The longer he waits to pick up his performance, the longer it will be before he gets the contract he desires.

Weekend Picks
Redskins @ Bills: The Redskins are starting to settle into what we thought they were. Meanwhile, the Bills continue to impress. We don't know about the Redskins quarterback. That is all we know about the Bills. And in West New York...
23-20 BILLS

Lions @ Broncos: The Lions have come back to earth a little. Meanwhile, the Broncos are lifting off. Tim Tebow has given fans and teammates new life. As the season wears on, the Lions better find a running game. This is a game where that could become incredibly evident. The determining factor will be if Elvis Dumervil and Von Miller can get to and disrupt Matthew Stafford.

Steelers @ Patriots: Steelers are trying to get their act together. Beating the Pats would reassert the Steelers as one of the elite teams in an AFC where no one outside of the Patriots has established themselves as an elite team.
Chargers @ Chiefs: The Chiefs are coming back to life. The Chargers are an enigma that cannot decide whether they would rather continue the playoffs in the cold or end the season after 16 games. Can the Chiefs get back into the playoff picture? With a win they can.

Vikings @ Panthers: The Vikings are a disappointing team with no quarterback. The Panthers are a team whose primary weapon is their quarterback. Both are rookies. But Cam already has many people believing that he will be good.
Hometown Bonus
Cowboys @ Eagles: The Eagles are hoping that they have righted their ship. The Cowboys are hoping the Rams were what they needed to figure some things out while gaining some confidence. The Eagles struggle against the run. The Cowboys can't run. (Sorry but Rams don't count.)
26-23 EAGLES
Jaguars @ Texans: The Texans are coming off of a huge win over the rival Titans. Normally, I would call for the upset. But the Jaguars are also coming off of a game which they played way above their heads and are not nearly as talented.
24-20 TEXANS

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