Sunday, December 4, 2011

Bowl Season: It's the Most Confusing Time of the Year

The bowl season is upon us. Some of these games have ridiculous names. Some of them have ridiculous match-ups. Some have back stories. Some... why does this game exist? So I chose to rename the bowl games in hopes of putting each game in perspective.

Allstate BCS SEC West Championship Game
This one is for that pretty crystal ball. The NCAA and Allstate will tell you that it is the "National Championship Game." Let's be honest. A short week on the road is the reason the Tide is in this game. The last game was the equivalent of two heavyweights circling each other occasionally throwing a hay-maker but never wanting to actually getting into a boxing match. Let's hope this one is a little better. When the punter becomes as valuable of a player as anyone else on the team (setting the opposing team's field position), the game has problems. For those of you clamoring "it's SEC football. It's great." I say this. Take away the fact that they are SEC. Would you still think this game is great? Or would they just be two completely incompetent offenses who are hoping like heck that the opposing punter shanks one setting them up with good enough field position to kick a field goal? It's like being married to a woman who looks like this but still wanting to hook up with her. It's purely about the status.
30-13 TIGERS

No One Knows We Made It To A Bowl Game Bowl
How many people know that Arkansas State and Northern Illinois play college football? Put your hand down if you attended these schools. Ah what the heck. You count too. Gotta have someone that realized this. Oh. Some of you that attended these two schools didn't realize that either?

The We Play Football? Bowl
Yes. SMU has mostly recovered from the Death Penalty. Pittsburgh is not in full swing for basketball yet. So why not play us a good ol' game of football.
48-35 SMU

AT&T Overachiever Bowl
Both Kansas State and Arkansas lost to top-tier programs. While these teams could beat almost everyone else in the nation, they couldn't beat the teams they needed to get into a BCS bowl game.

Tostitos Will Anyone Watch Us Bowl
Oklahoma State and Stanford are not iconic programs. While both programs have been really good lately and this should be a good game, neither screams for the casual fan to watch.
568-563 OKLAHOMA STATE (Okay maybe more like 52-48.)

Two Really Good Teams That Could Possibly Beat the National Champion Bowl presented by Vizio
Tell me where we have seen this before. Two great teams. One is a big muscle-headed bully. The other will try to negate such strength with speed. It's okay Oregon. This time it is okay to acquire tape and check out a football team from Texas. Just make sure it is TCU.
38-20 OREGON Fall From Grace Bowl
Two teams that finished with 3-5 conference records. Two teams that finished with 6-6 overall records. It seems like it has been forever since 2007. Both of those coaches are gone... kinda.  Florida's coach in that championship game? Urban Meyer, the new coach of Ohio State.
22-19 FLORIDA 

Highly Over-rated by ESPN Bowl
Every year Nebraska and South Carolina are shoved down our throats as top-notch programs. Yet, South Carolina has only won 10 games twice in the school's history. Nebraska is billed as this elite program. Many people had them walking in and taking the Big 10 title. Nebraska doesn't have Tommy Frazier or Tom Osborne. Spurrier isn't at Florida. Can we tap the brakes on how great these teams are?
24-16 (and guaranteed a Top 10 spot in next year's opening polls...) I don't care. SOUTH CAROLINA

OH!!! So Close Bowl
Georgia was two quarters away from taking down the LSU Tigers. Michigan State was in a back-n-forth with Wisconsin. So close to being in a BCS Bowl game.

Hang Your Head In Shame Bowl
Houston was embarrassed in the Conference USA Championship game. Penn State was embarrassed in the headlines. Now instead of a BCS game, these two teams get each other.

Buffalo Wild Wings Bowl
I hate watching sporting events at restaurants. Sound is generally hard to hear. Obnoxious people all around. It's like being at the game only you are not. You're surrounded by strangers and some cute girl that you don't have a prayer with keeps asking you if you want to spend more money. And you know the only reason she is nice (maybe even flirting with you) is that she is trying to inflate her tip. And somehow... some *bleep*ing way, it always works and you don't realize how much money you spent on her until you get home and see the transaction on your online banking activity. The only good thing about sports at restaurants is you're kept occupied while the game winds up for the big finish. This game for some reason has that type of feel. I won't give a crap for the first 50-55 minutes. Just keep my glass full, my stomach fed, and don't ask if I want something. If I want it, I'll ask for it. (I am not watching a football game in Chick-fil-A unless I am on a bad date. Come to think of it, if I'm on a date at Chick-fil-A, it's a bad date. Why am I dating? I'm married with three kids. I'm already broke. I don't need another person to pay for. Oh, she's paying? Well... still have to pass. I'll eventually pay. One way or another.) Oh you want a score and a winner? Who's playing again? Oh. Okay. Um. Let's see...
28-18 AUBURN

Kraft We Hunger For A Real Head Coach Bowl
Both teams just fired their coach. Both teams have been looking for a coach ever since I can remember. But for one day, these two teams will have to settle for a win; even if it is by accident.
16-13 UCLA

How The Hell Did You Get In Here Bowl
How did Vanderbilt get into this bowl? Or any bowl game for that matter? Cincinnati has got to be asking that. At least they will probably be asking if they should play someone a little better. You know what Cincy? Don't question it. Just take it. Just don't blow it.

Remember When We Used to Be Good Bowl
Remember when Georgia Tech used to have Calvin Johnson? Remember when Utah used to have Alex Smith? Remember when you were walking to class thinking "Are we doing anything relevant in class today?" Remember when you were able to put Arkansas-Pine Bluff on your schedule on EA Sports NCAA Football? Ah. Those were the days. Now we have this...

Rodney Dangerfield Bowl
Northwestern gets no respect. No respect at all. When A&M finally gets some, it urinates on everyone who gave it to them. Now A&M heads for the SEC "where they will be appreciated" and Northwestern is the 11th team everyone hears about but no one outside of Illinois can figure out who is in the Big 10 (Nebraska makes it 12.) Can the Gaggies do it one more time?

Is This The Best You Could Do? Bowl
Really? This is the best you two could do. Oklahoma... you were supposed to be in the national title game. Started off the season at No. 1. Iowa. You just keep falling further and further down the Big 10 pole don't you? Next season, I expect both of you to at least be in the Cotton Bowl. Okay Iowa. Maybe this is the best you can do.

Who Gives A *bleep*? Bowl
Mississippi State. Wake Forest. Who gives a *bleep*?

Don't Tell Anyone That We're Bowl Eligible Bowl
Two schools that often get overlooked. Rutgers is known for "Running back Ray Rice from Rutgers." (Say that 6 times fast.) Iowa State looks like USC. Plays like UNC. Has a Cardinal for a mascot even though they are named the Cyclones. That is one hell of an identity crises. Looking at these two teams, I thought "You're bowl eligible? Wow."

Quietly Solid Bowl
Tulsa has put up some fights this season. They didn't end up winning their division. But they earned a measure of respect from some people across the country. BYU seems to always be quietly solid. It's when they get loud that they get whipped. A dominatrix dream. Kind of ironic when you consider that it is a religious school that suspended its second best player on the basketball team for having premarital sex. Anyways, this could end up being a really fun football game to watch. I'm hoping so.
36-34 TULSA

Better Than You Think Bowl
Washington is apparently better than I thought. If you asked me what I thought Washington's record was, I would probably tell you they were like 3-8. 5-7 at best. Tell, me they were bowl eligible and I would have probably had a swear or two just out of pure shock. Oh. And there is Baylor. I have called RG3 (Robert Griffin III) a "One Man Show" since his freshman year. Now the country is starting to take notice. So everyone is better than we thought. Even if this is a blow-out, watching RG3 is well worth your time/price of admission.
48-23 BAYLOR

Has-been Bowl
I remember when these two were national championship contenders. Two historic programs. Two historic coaches. Ah the days. That was when determining a national champion in college football was... well it was, is and will always be the cluster-f that the lack of a playoff creates. The coaches are gone. The programs aren't even close to the greatness that they used to be. In fact, Abilene Christian is doing a better job of pounding out NFL-caliber players. Let the nostalgic kick begin.

States With The Hottest Girls Bowl
Texas and California. Extreme politics. Great sports. Iconic states. The only thing more important than the final score is who has the hotter women: Texas or California?
24-20 EVERYONE WINS!!! (Okay fine. I'll Take Texas.)

Teams That Can't Point Each Other On A Map Bowl
Don't think. Just do it. Point to Toledo on a map. Now point to Air Force on that same map. Okay. You quite possibly got Toledo right. Realize that Air Force is in Colorado? Good thing the game will be played in Washington D.C. which I think most people can point to. Hopefully most of these teams can too.
27-23 TOLEDO

No One Realizes That We Might Be The Best Team In Our State Bowl
Louisville is probably the best team in Kentucky. NC State is POSSIBLY the best in North Carolina. So now these two teams will line up and play that doesn't have a lot of flair but should have a lot of red.

IBM You Suck At Life Bowl*
What else do you want me to say about these two programs. They're in this bowl aren't they?
20-16 WESTERN MICHIGAN (because I like their logo)

Dark Horse That Never Really Had A Chance Bowl
"Experts" always say to watch out for these two teams. And every year, they fail to give us anything worth watching out for. So while these two teams may not be that great during the season, this game should be a treat.

Sweet Vacation Bowl
There is a trip to Hawaii coming for these two teams. Mississippi probably has some pleasant scenery and fun activities. Nevada also has pleasant scenery and fun activities (just of a different sort). But this is flipping Hawaii. So who remembers why they are in Hawaii in the first place? After this game, it is 2-3 more cold months in Nevada/Southern Mississippi so enjoy men.
37-31 NEVADA

We're Pissed And Someone Is Getting An Ass-Whipping Bowl
This is the second straight season that Boise State is being snubbed over a missed field goal. Once again they are forced to settle for playing in Vegas. Last year Utah was the recipient of the Boise Beat-Down. This year's victim: Arizona State.

At Least We're In San Diego Bowl
Louisiana Tech and TCU are headed for beautiful San Diego. The pleasantness will end once the game starts for one of these two teams (LA Tech?)
33-6 TCU

Remembered For The Wrong Reason Bowl
Florida International is remembered for this. Marshall is remembered for this. Here is hoping these two teams can soon accomplish something will etch a more positive memory in our minds.

The Sleep Big Easy Bowl
Curl up next to a hot girl/guy. Pull a blanket over the both of you. Give them a soft kiss. And get some well-earned rest. As you can see, this is going to be a busy holiday season and you will need all of the rest you can get. If you can't sleep, play Scrabble and try to see how many points Louisiana Lafayette Ragin Cajuns or San Diego State Aztecs will land you.
28-24 SAN DIEGO STATE (because I like their old helmets)

Wish This Game Was Reversed Bowl
If this was Ohio State vs. Utah at any point in the last few years, this would be an intriguing match-up. But it is Utah State vs. Ohio. This game is so bad that Ohio's punter doesn't even want to play in it.
26-20 OHIO

Doesn't Deserve A Smart-Ass Nickname Bowl
It's Temple and Wyoming. What else do you want to know?
*this game is not actually sponsored by IBM. But someone should.

Side Thoughts
-Dallas Cowboys are 19th in touchdowns scored. So while Romo does have some pretty numbers, the quarterback's job is to not turn the ball over and get his team into the end zone. According to, Dallas only scores touchdowns on 42% of their red zone opportunities. The only teams worse? Kansas City, Tampa Bay, San Francisco and St. Louis. None of those teams have "elite" or even "great" quarterbacks. If the Cowboys do not start exchanging some of these field goals for touchdowns, the season will not last much longer.

-Mark Schlabach pointed out that an SEC team will finally lose the "National Championship Game."

-For everyone clamoring that they hate the BCS and want change, here is what fans can do. Turn the television off between September and November on Saturdays. At least find something else to watch. Yeah, you're not going to do that are you? Neither am I. For the programs themselves, QUIT JOINING THE BCS CONFERENCES AND DROP DOWN TO AN FCS SYSTEM WHERE THERE IS A PLAYOFF. Utah and Boise State. Oh you don't want to because you'll lose money? That is what I thought. In order to get paid, we all do things we don't want to. You may work more hours than you really care too. You may have to deal with situations you that make you uncomfortable. So know what you are in for, collect your check and quit your whining. There are things I don't like about the BCS. As you can see from above, I don't always agree with the selections. But overall, it's good TV and generates a high level of interest.

Weekend Wows
Oklahoma State Defense: They allowed the Sooners to have 10 points. One touchdown. One field goal. 10. Where their offense gets so much love and their coach was a quarterback, the defense finally step up and took a little respect for itself.

Pittsburgh Steelers: After the Week 1 clobbering they suffered at the hands of the Ravens and the slow start, many people wrote them off. They were my Super Bowl pick before the season and that remains a very distinct possibility.

Robert Griffin III: Here is all you need to know.

Weak-end Woes
Buffalo Bills: From 3-0, to 4-1, to 5-2, to 5-7. And it doesn't get easier. Chargers who play really well this time of year. Dolphins who have already clobbered them once. Broncos who seem to be gaining confidence and momentum. The Patriots who will be seeking retribution from blowing a 21-0 lead earlier in the year. 6-10 at best?

Jason Garrett: They do not convert red zone opportunities. They are the seventh most penalized team in football. According to, they are very average in converting 3rd downs (38.4%).  Poor clock management. Owner having guts to publicly second-guess him. I keep looking for this rigid structure that Garrett is going to bring to the Cowboys.

Atlanta Falcons: Houston is on their third string quarterback. They are minus their best defensive player. So what does Atlanta do? Loses to T.J. Yates. Say that again... out loud... T. J. YATES.

Looking Forward
Falcons @ Panthers
Eagles @ Dolphins
49ers @ Cardinals
Bears @ Broncos
Raiders @ Packers
Texans @ Bengals
Giants @ Cowboys

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Wake Up Screaming

Wow. This one hurts. What do I say? I do know how the fans of the 1986 Boston Red Sox feel. (Do not make the argument that they had at least won a title. When the majority of your fan base has never celebrated a championship, all titles captured are nullified.)

So close. One strike away. Twice. I was at work when Game 6 concluded. I remember feeling like all life just left my body. I couldn't remember the last time I felt like that. No, Game 5 of the 2006 NBA Finals didn't even come close. Yeah, that sucked. But baseball was the first sport I really took a liking to. And the Rangers were the first team I attached any emotion to. I grew up a Bulls fan. I hoped the best for the Mavs but how could I root against Michael "Air" Jordan?

You know how they say that you always remember your first kiss/date/girlfriend/um... time? Yeah, well I don't remember the names of those firsts let alone dates. I do remember that on Saturday, August 4, 1990, I went to my very first Ranger game at the old Arlington Stadium. I remember standing for "Oh Canada." Bobby Witt would throw a complete game in a 3-2 win over the Toronto Blue Jays. I was eight years old. It was official. I was attached to the Rangers for life.

So when the Rangers managed to lose the lead... twice... one strike away... twice, 21 years of disappointment wasn't washed away. It was back. Most of sports talk across the nation was focused on the thrilling Game 6 and the amazing six stories these teams have told over the last nine days. However, here in Texas, there was not a sense of ah and wonder. There was a sense of a loss. Some people probably took this harder than the death of a close family member. (In today's sports world, that doesn't shock me.)

For me, if the Cowboys or Texans lose, there is disappointment. But it happens. When Red Raiders or "hometown" Frogs lose, it's easily acceptable. However, when the Rangers lose a series that big and in that fashion, it sucks.

I hope the players all around Major League Baseball are able to find speedy recoveries. I hope that my Rangers use this time to heal physically, digest mentally, and recover emotionally. But with free agency set to start tonight at midnight, there is no time for rest for the scouts, front offices, analysts, agents, and writers; or this blogger. The 2012 season starts at MIDNIGHT!!! Good luck to your favorite teams; except if they are playing my Rangers.

Side Thoughts
-After they get done digesting what just happened, they must also look at what must be done to ensure that one strike away turns into a world championship. A word of caution. They would be wise to learn from the Yankees and Red Sox. They should spend money wisely. While going after a Prince Fielder or Albert Pujols would make SportsCenter headlines, they do not always equal championships. Ask the Phillies as well.

-If you are a Rangers fan, keep you're eye on the following names:
Prince Fielder, Albert Pujols (don't hold your breath), C.C. Sabathia, Michael Cuddyer, Coco Crisp, Corey Patterson, Cody Ross, Grady Sizemore, Jason Kubel, Mark Buehrle, Heath Bell, Jonathon Papelbon, Matt Capps, Ryan Madson, Brad Lidge, Chad Qualls, Mike Gonzalez, and J.C. Romero. Gonzalez will probably re-sign with Texas. C.J. Wilson, probably will not sign. While the prize seems to be Prince or Albert, Cuddyer or Kubel can play first or the outfield although neither is likely to play center. The Rangers will want to keep Hamilton out of center which opens the door for Crisp, Patterson, Ross, and Sizemore. Buehrle didn't have his best year, but still had a solid year and if Mike Maddux can get him close to what he was, then Buehrle automatically becomes the best pitcher available. Michael Young still makes for a solid short-term back-up in the infield, but the Rangers should look elsewhere to fill the defensive void at first if Moreland cannot return to 2010 form. Pujols plays really good defense and hits as well as anyone, but will cost entirely too much. Fielder is not an upgrade in the field over Young and putting him at DH takes away the hitting consistency that Young brings. Fielder, Pujols, and Sabathia also will cost a lot leaving the Rangers financially tight to make moves elsewhere and extending current players' contracts. With Young making $16 million and defensive skills declining, the Rangers might consider trading him. However, doing so could leave a leadership void and upset a fan base that for the most part, holds Young in the highest regard.

-I am tired of hearing about how unlikely the St. Louis Cardinals are as world champions. Look at their team. Pujols, Holliday, Berkman, Furcal, Molina, Carpenter, Garcia. Remember they did not even have Adam Wainright. The surprising part to me is that they were 10 1/2 games out of any playoff spot in August. What took them so long? Yes. The Rangers have a great team. But the Cardinals had all of the pieces as well. Throw in experience and the Cards had no business being that far back. As I watched the series, the Rangers were fortunate to be in the series after three games. They were evenly matched but the Cardinals did what they had to when they had to do it.

-I generally believe that blaming (umpires/referees) officials is often too convenient and a way for fans to deny that their team just wasn't good enough. Generally, officials call a fairly good game. While they make mistakes, one can generally find where both teams were robbed. While I do believe the right team won the World Series, Jerry Layne called a World Series that was inexcusable and should put him on watch from the MLB. One report from the UEFL stated that out of 17 missed ball/strike calls, 14 benefited the Cardinals. This is the same ump that missed Adrian Beltre fouling a ball off of his foot and awarding the Cardinals an easy ground-out. And people say that Ron Kulpa had no business being an ump in this series since he is from St. Louis. (While Kulpa did miss the Napoli tag in Game 3, he was the home plate umpire for Holland's gem and ruled (correctly) that Kinsler had safely stolen second on a close call in Game 2.) I can handle a missed call on a bang-bang play. Especially in baseball where replay is minimal. But when an ump's strike zone overwhelmingly favors one team, there needs to be some action. Game 7 of the World Series is not a place to stage such a poor performance from an official; especially not the one at home plate.

-I was hoping the conclusion of the World Series would equal the conclusion of Brian Wilson. Am I the only person in the world who does not find him to be funny?

-I would love to see MLB adopt a replay system similar to the NFL's. You get two challenges a game. The manager simply approaches the umpire that made the call and tells him what he would like reviewed. The manager may request a replay review on any play that is not a ball/strike call except in the event of a check-swing. Give the umpires a chance to get it right. It gives the game credibility and if they can properly overturn a call, it can cut down on the verbal abuse they are subjected to.  

-I just finished watching Oklahoma State demolish Baylor. Either Baylor is that awful and over-rated or OK State is that good. Next week's match-up in Lubbock will go a long way in determining how good Gundy's Cowboys are. They have already won at A&M. Can they take down the high powered Red Raiders?

-When Mike Gundy had this rant against Jenni Carlson, most of American media mocked him for his display and chastised him for verbally going after Ms. Carlson. At that point, I told my friend Bryan that he would make OK State better. High school kids wouldn't care whether the article had merit or not. High school kids want to play for a coach who has their backs. Right now, the Cowboys sit at number three in the nation and with a win next week should move up to number two since numbers one and two play each other next week. Gundy's Cowboys control their own destiny in route to a national title. Can't say that for Boise State or Oklahoma.

-It is funny how many people complain about the BCS drawing up these hypothetical scenarios on which there are about eight undefeated teams. Yet, in the end, there are generally only two or three. The college football season generally works itself out.

Coburn's Call-Out
The player that needs to step it up this week is Peyton Hillis. He has missed games due to strep (seriously) and a strained hamstring. When he has been on the field, the Madden cover boy has struggled averaging only 3.5 yards a carry. While I wish him and his wife a long and happy marriage, he needs to quit worrying about a contract and start performing. The longer he waits to pick up his performance, the longer it will be before he gets the contract he desires.

Weekend Picks
Redskins @ Bills: The Redskins are starting to settle into what we thought they were. Meanwhile, the Bills continue to impress. We don't know about the Redskins quarterback. That is all we know about the Bills. And in West New York...
23-20 BILLS

Lions @ Broncos: The Lions have come back to earth a little. Meanwhile, the Broncos are lifting off. Tim Tebow has given fans and teammates new life. As the season wears on, the Lions better find a running game. This is a game where that could become incredibly evident. The determining factor will be if Elvis Dumervil and Von Miller can get to and disrupt Matthew Stafford.

Steelers @ Patriots: Steelers are trying to get their act together. Beating the Pats would reassert the Steelers as one of the elite teams in an AFC where no one outside of the Patriots has established themselves as an elite team.
Chargers @ Chiefs: The Chiefs are coming back to life. The Chargers are an enigma that cannot decide whether they would rather continue the playoffs in the cold or end the season after 16 games. Can the Chiefs get back into the playoff picture? With a win they can.

Vikings @ Panthers: The Vikings are a disappointing team with no quarterback. The Panthers are a team whose primary weapon is their quarterback. Both are rookies. But Cam already has many people believing that he will be good.
Hometown Bonus
Cowboys @ Eagles: The Eagles are hoping that they have righted their ship. The Cowboys are hoping the Rams were what they needed to figure some things out while gaining some confidence. The Eagles struggle against the run. The Cowboys can't run. (Sorry but Rams don't count.)
26-23 EAGLES
Jaguars @ Texans: The Texans are coming off of a huge win over the rival Titans. Normally, I would call for the upset. But the Jaguars are also coming off of a game which they played way above their heads and are not nearly as talented.
24-20 TEXANS

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Keep Dreaming...

The Rangers' are on the precipice of something I thought I would never see. I was in such doubt, I even allowed the "ESPN Curse*" to sway me to pick the Cardinals in five games. To be honest, my gut also told me Cards. My heart said Rangers. My head played the theme song from "I Dream of Genie."

When Chris Carpenter started the series off by having trouble locating the catcher's mitt (followed by some less than child friendly phrases) I started to feel good. Then C.J. Wilson decided "anything you can do, I can do better." Or worse. Depending on your perspective. Carpenter might have been suffering from problems with his elbow. CJ looks like he is suffering from problems with his confidence. That is something I thought I would never say about CJ. His tweets have become far and fewer in between. His hash-tag #throwstrikes isn't there. Whatever it is, I hope he finds what made him the borderline over-confident southpaw that #throwstrikes. Unless he signs with another team.

So what we got was a Game 1 that felt like a blind date. Two teams that weren't quite sure what to do or how to act. While both teams possessed World Series experience, that didn't make this date any easier to navigate.
(Please tell me that I am not the only one who has had to fumble through a set-up.)
The Cardinals were able to make the more impressive first impression with a 3-2 win thanks to pinch-hit hero Allen Craig.

Game 2 gave us a little less awkwardness. Instead, it was two healthy quality pitchers going at it. That was until Michael Young showed why the Rangers signed Adrian Beltre in the off-season when a grounder went off of his glove and into the outfield. Luckily, Young would get a chance to atone with his bat. Young sacrificed. Literally. He drove in the winning run on a sacrifice fly. This would nullify a deja-vu moment for Alexi Ogando who again gave up the go-ahead run to... pinch-hitter Allen Craig.

Game 3 gave us the game all of the "experts" said we would get. A slug-fest. Pitchers on both sides continually found more wood than leather. Albert Pujols spent the last two days being questioned as to why he left without addressing the media. Then, he did their job for them again by smashing three home-runs in a 16-7 win. I wondered if that could possibly be the score for the Cowboys-Rams game the next day. Then it hit me. They're the Rams. 16 points? No. Seven. Maybe on a good day. At this point, the fan in me saw this tale before. Rangers just aren't good enough. This isn't their year. No year is their year. We sign the best player in baseball and get progressively worse every year. I told my wife "Series over." Even as I tried to talk myself off of the ledge by reminding myself that no one comes back from a butt-kicking like the Rangers, I also had to remind myself that Derek Holland loomed. The season is down to Dutch and his 'stache. I feel sick.

Game 4 hung on one big question: Which Dutch? Would it be the Holland that recorded four complete game shut-outs? Or would it be the one who struggled against good hitting teams like the Tigers in the ALCS? Holland shut me up. He pitched an absolute gem nearly going the distance in eight plus innings. The pitching performance had actually captured more viewers than the Saints drilling of the hapless Colts.

Game 5 was a game that would leave the Rangers grasping on the road or the Cards fleeing for sanctuary. The Cardinals weren't fleeing. They weren't looking for sanctuary. But they might now be looking for the cell phones. Confusion in the bullpen. Two horrifically botched hit-and-runs with Pujols not swinging and then swinging at pitch he had no business considering. A home-run from Adrian Beltre's knees. Napoli doing whatever he wanted with a ball late in the game. All of this led to a 4-2 Rangers' win and put the Cards on the brink of elimination.

If the Rangers win the World Series, they will have beaten the mastermind (Tony LaRussa), the best pitcher in the league (Justin Verlander), the best hitter over the last few years (Albert Pujols), the hottest team entering into the playoffs (Tampa Bay Rays) and the wise old man-ager (Jim Leyland). For a Ranger fan, this has been an incredible season. I never thought it would happen. But at one win away, do I dare keep dreaming of what might be within the next two nights?

Side Thoughts
-Tony LaRussa's daughter tweeted and (to be fair deleted) a commented posted in reference to Ron Washington. Unfortunately, Wash is not the only manager with a history of substance abuse. Yes, alcohol is legal. Being asleep at a stop light behind the wheel with a blood alcohol content of .093 is not.

-For those that believe there is no merit to LaRussa's claim that crowd noise may have played a role in the bullpen mix-up during Game 5 of the World Series in Arlington, roll back your cynicism. The Rangers' bullpen runs longways along the outfield wall and pitchers who are warming up can be seen from the field. By stark contrast, the visiting bullpen is hidden behind the outfield wall. Also instead of running along the wall such as the home bullpen, the visiting bullpen runs into the stands. This means that over three quarters of the visitor's bullpen is surrounded by fans. Add to the fact that over 50,000 people are sensing things never before imagined in Arlington, there might be some merit. I am not saying it is the whole story. I am just saying that crowd noise may have played a role in the Cardinals' difficulty in communicating.

-Am I the only one that feels like they are watching Jack Parkman (5:45 mark) from Major League II when they see Albert Pujols in this series? He may not have sunk to the level of refusing to high-five teammates but he has left his teammates to answer for his error and absence, gotten defensive with the media, and at times just looks completely solo. I am not in the clubhouse. He may be a great guy and a better friend.  However, this is not the Albert Pujols I have heard so much about and tried to imagine what the name Pujols would look like in Ranger font. That Albert Pujols is a saint. This Albert Pujols allegedly and inexplicably sent Allen Craig on a hit-and-run in the seventh. When there was only a run and no hit, Allen was DOA at second. Hopefully, I am just mistaking his demeanor as focus and not isolation.

Here are a couple of new features I have been thinking about. I hope you enjoy them.
I am very opinionated. I express what I believe with the information that I have. It is nothing new. People error all of the time. ESPN pay people who do this all of the time. But sometimes, I get really harsh. And when I am wrong, I feel an obligation to man-up. Own my baggage and admit I was wrong. If I am going to skewer someone, I better be ready to acknowledge them when they make me look like an... You get the idea. So for the first time ever, Mike Mans Up.
Last week, I expressed my displeasure with the job that Tommy Tuberville has done with this Red Raider program. I even toyed with the idea of naming a weekly disappointment award "The Tuberville." Then, Texas Tech did this. After trailing 31-7, it took a furious rally by Oklahoma just to make the game respectable. So I must man up and apologize to Tuberville. A 30-point underdog playing in the best home field in all of sports, pro or college.

I am sorry Mr. Tuberville. I will give you more time before I call for your head again. And knowing me, I will.

After today, the following two sections will be referred to as "Weekend Wows" and "Weak-end Woes." This is to accommodate the fact that many times my surprises and setbacks do not necessarily occur on Sunday.
Sunday's Surprise
Texas Tech Red Raiders: The year was 2008. Texas Tech was No. 2 in the nation. They were coming off of a dramatic win over the hated Horns and a drilling of Oklahoma State. They walked into Norman with national title hopes. They left with Sooner footprints all over their backs. In 2011, they returned the favor. Controlling most of the game OU had to rally from a 31-7 deficit just to make the score respectable. This time it was OU with the title hopes. Again in Norman enjoying a remarkable 39 game home-winning streak. Tech was nothing more than a 30 point underdog that kicked OU in the groin and then broke their hearts just as OU did 3 years earlier.

Derek Holland: Here is a guy I have run down on countless occasions. Always liked him as a bullpen guy. Loved him as trade bait. Dutch Oven shut me up as well as every Cardinal not named Lance Berkman as he threw 8 1/3 two-hit (Berkman with both) shutout innings. Even I wanted him to finish. Oh well. He will have to settle for the ovation that all of North Texas gave him.
Houston Texans: No Andre. No Mario. Division rival. Toughest competition for the division title. How did Houston respond to the situation proposed to them? With a 41-7 butt kicking of the Titans.

Sunday's Setbacks
Albert Pujols: Okay. So he absolutely murdered the ball in Game 3. A Game 2 gaffe and a going hitless in Games 1, 2, 4 and 5. It doesn't matter how many times Texas walks him. If he can't hit and drive in runs, the Cardinals have ZERO shot at pulling out the next two games. There is a reason the Rangers will walk him. He is not a serious threat for a stolen base and he cannot put himself as well as those in front of him on home plate if he is not hitting the ball.

Cleveland Browns: Six points. 6. One touchdown. Two field goals. Maybe three safeties. They all equal six points. The Rangers scored seven on Saturday night in a baseball game and got their butts handed to them. The Browns' saving grace: Seattle Sea-chickens who scored 3.

Rangers Lineup: Yes, the same Texas Rangers that are one win away from a World Championship. Mitch Moreland is most likely done for the series. His only hope of playing again is 8th or 9th inning with a slim lead. Why is this such a big deal for a guy who has a postseason batting average of .111? His defense has been invaluable. The Rangers are 7-1 when he starts at first. When he is sitting: 3-4. I understand you need your captain (Michael Young) on the field. I know it is tough for the Rangers to try to work in some one's defense without sacrificing the leadership or production in other areas. Doesn't make it any less disappointing. It is also disappointing that David Murphy is hitting .324 and plays good defense. Yet, he cannot keep his spot in the line-up simply due to the fact that he is a left-hander facing a left-hander. Everyone will remember "Captain" Murphy. (Okay so he is not the captain. Just the name "Murphy" elicits memories of the great character from Sealab 2021.) If the Rangers lose this series, this will be one decision that many Ranger fans will question.
Looking Forward
Redskins @ Bills
Lions @ Broncos
Steelers @ Patriots
Cowboys @ Eagles
Chargers @ Chiefs
*I accused ESPN of being too heavy for the Rangers' bandwagon as it seems every time that ESPN starts believing in them, they fall apart.

^I apoloigize for the resposting. This was originally posted on Thursday October 27, 2011. I am currently experiencing several problems with Blogger. I am finding edits, additions, subtractions and formatting are not being accurately reflected in the published work. My sincerest apoliges and I will continue to work until I find all appropriate solutions. Thank you.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Ten Years Ago

Ten years ago. Just another Tuesday. I was heading to Safety and First Aid which was taught by Coach Orr. As I was exiting the small snack shop where students went for a drink, bite, or break, I looked up to the TV where all of the other students were locked in. The second tower had just been hit. Another Tuesday was suddenly a day where America was left standing still. Liz Glazier of The Rocket reports that 2,977 people lost their lives from the attacks. Businesses were closed. Flights were halted. Games suspended. Young men were faced with the thought of service. If they did not choose to enlist, would they be drafted in?

The first step for normalcy, oddly enough, came as I sat down to watch WWF SmackDown which was originally supposed to be taped on Tuesday September 11th. Instead, a live SmackDown aired just 2 days later where performers gave their thoughts and the matches were kept simple. It wasn't about selling a pay per view or advancing a storyline. For many, it was a return to life. While everyone else took every conceivable precaution to be safe, Vincent Kennedy McMahon and his employees took a simple, reverent step towards being Americans once again.

Ten years, later we as a country are mired in fragile economics and verbal barbs between the political extremes. Turn on the news and Rick Perry and Mitt Romney are arguing claiming that they can't fill the shoes of their predecessor. Democrats are slamming our president for being too soft and not getting enough done. Republicans are slamming our president for being... a Democrat. However, ten years ago, all of this political partisan bull was irrelevant. The important thing wasn't who was a Republican or Democrat. The important was about preserving our right and ability to negotiate for our goals. To bring our different perspectives and experiences to the table so that we may continue to improve this nation. The important thing was not just preserving our nation and its ideals but rather to build on them. To improve the quality of life for our kids and their kids.

Thank you to those who have stood up in the past ten years. Thank you for sacrificing your time. Thank you to those who have given everything; not just your lives but your quality of lives for what you believed was best for this country and for the world. We as Americans have problems. Individual and collective. Easy and hard. Significant and insignificant. My request, be part of the solution to these problems and let a ten year anniversary of the most horrific day within America's boundaries be a reminder of how quickly our problems can be rendered irrelevant.

Side Thoughts
-It's funny. We mock Al Davis and the job he has done as the owner of the Oakland Raiders. We ridicule him for being old and senile. Yet, the Raiders had a real solid draft on paper; the first one in a few years that wasn't overwhelmingly ripped. Here is something else to think about. Since the 2001-2002 season, the following teams have won AFC Championships: Patriots, Colts, Steelers and... Raiders. That is pretty exclusive company.

-Tomm Looney made in interesting comment on how we Americans are one of the few cultures that will openly mock our elders. This came after a caller called into the J.T. The Brick show complaining about Colin Cowherd allegedly suggested that the Raiders might be better off when Al Davis is dead. As a fan of the Texas Rangers, I can tell you there are bad owners out there. There are bad owners waiting to buy teams. These men deserve blame when they fail. However, to say that a team or organization will be better off when someone is dead is unfounded and inhumane. I will never say that. You never know who will be next in line.

-If Peyton Manning doesn't play this season, it is very plausible that the Colts will not win more than 5 or 6 games. This should put them with a top-10 pick and a healthy, rested Manning for the upcoming season. Something scary.

-Alexi Ogando got beat again. He was raw entering the season. I know hindsight is 20-20 and it is becoming easy to see now. Baseball is a game based on stats. Pitchers know when hitters are prone to swing and hitters know what pitchers are capable of. If you do not learn, or you cannot adjust, you will eventually get beat. Ogando was not ready to be a season-long starter. It is easy to see that now.

-If the Rangers miss the playoffs, the primary person I blame will be Jon Daniels. Why? He made those huge trades at the deadline. He is trotting out young pitchers who have not seen this type of workload. The bullpen was a question mark coming out of Spring Training. Take out Ogando as he was probably the best option available for replacing an injured Tommy Hunter and the bullpen was a bigger question mark than the young, unproven rotation. Yet, it took Daniels 4 months, 2/3s of the season, to address this glaring concern. By the time the issues were addressed, the Rangers found themselves staring at an ugly stretch of their schedule while the Angels' got just a little bit easier.

-After a couple of weeks of college and high school and the Packers going over on the Saints on Thursday, football season will be in full effect today. Here are five games I'm picking this week, PLUS my two Hometown Bonuses. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Bengals vs. Browns:
I like Colt. I like Andy. I like what Cleveland is trying to do. I don't like what Cincy is doing.
30-16 BROWNS.
Lions vs. Buccaneers:
Week 1. That means Stafford is healthy. When he is, I give the Lions a chance.
26-10 LIONS
Seahawks vs. 49ers:
Garbage Game of the Week: Harbaugh > Carroll. Smith > Jackson (not by much).
20-6 49ERS (But everyone loses.)
Raiders vs. Broncos:
Surprisingly Entertaining Game of the Week: I like Kyle Orton and the Broncos' pass rush.
Titans vs. Jaguars:
This and Chris Johnson are the only reasons to watch this game; and that still may not warrant watching.
24-13 TITANS

Hometown Bonus:
Cowboys vs. Jets:
The Ryans both run complex defensive schemes. Dallas's defense hasn't had much time to learn theirs and Dallas's offensive line is so young, there is a lot they haven't seen live from the Jets.
23-16 JETS
Colts vs. Texans:
No Peyton? Big Problem. Add to the fact that this game is going to be in Houston?
30-21 TEXANS

Friday, August 26, 2011

... And Now for Something Completely Different

Sorry. There is no Monty Python in this entry. I have just elected to do something different and use focal point of this post to focus on something unrelated to sports.

In April of 2010 we received word confirming what my wife had feared for the last couple of years: our son Aidan was autistic. Many of the signs were there but most people who worked with Aidan had simply chalked it up to "cognitive delays" meaning his mind was just coming along at a slower pace than most. My wife vehemently insisted that it was more than a delay. I finally relented and we had him tested. About a month was spent on analyzing the results of the data collected. His speech was behind so we were already able to get him into special education classes. Still, when it was made official, there was a day or two when we didn't really know how to approach it.

Since then, we have been able to enroll Aidan into Applied Behavior Analysis therapy (or ABA therapy) as well as equine assistance therapy at Tarleton State. We understood Aidan needed help. We needed to understand where he was coming from so we could accommodate him. However, we refused to let autism be an excuse. It would simply be an obstacle we all would have to work to overcome.

Last school year, Aidan was sent home for disruptive behavior. In most cases I would agree that one child should not disrupt the learning of many. However, I was completely unsatisfied with the steps taken to try to refocus a child they knew had special needs. After a meeting with the school staff (and a significant upgrade in the principal position) we were able to develop a plan to refocus Aidan on the task at hand. This year, the principal has already commented on how much Aidan has improved in school.

Unfortunately, there are many more children with more severe cases of autism. Some of these children may be limited in some areas of development. As a father, not a celebrity, I implore you to do the following:
1. See numerous professionals who are specifically trained in the field of autism. One professional may miss it. Many are less likely.
2. Get a consensus. If professionals are split in whether or not that your child falls into the spectrum, see more specialists or request further testing.
3. Do the research. Autism is controversial in cause and treatment. Unfortunately, there is no consensus on either. However, seeking trusted advice from experts in the field should help you plan the best course of action.
4. Take action. If there are concerns, do not hesitate to seek testing. Also if the child is diagnosed with autism, take action to help your child. Inactivity is the absolute last thing a child with autism needs. The sooner the diagnosis, the more help your child can get. The more help they get, the better the chance they have at overcoming the obstacles that people with autism face.

Remember, your child is not autism. Autism is merely something the child must face and fight. Your child is your child.

Side Thoughts
-Tell me the BCS (Bowl Championship Series) is not interesting. The season hasn't even started and yet two contenders have all but fallen. LSU was forced to suspend four players indefinitely for allegations that they were involved in a bar fight. Ohio State lost its coach and quarterback while school was out. The race for the BCS title has started before the season has. Again, tell me the BCS (even though wrong in nature) is not at the very least interesting.

-Malcolm Gladwell recently wrote an article for Grantland in which he depicts why owning and NBA franchise does not make business sense; nor should it. It is a great read for any die-hard NBA fan who is lamenting the possible loss of games (if not the entire season) for the upcoming year.

-Add the Miami Hurricanes to the list of schools that are pretty much dead before even entering the starting blocks. They have suspended up to 13 players that have been suspended pending the NCAA's findings. One of those players includes Jacory Harris.

-ESPN NFL analyst Merril Hoge recently spoke Colin Cowherd's radio show about Kyle Orton. Hoge recently took a lot of criticism for his critique on Tim Tebow. Now he is endorsing Kyle Orton. The funny thing is Orton won games in Chicago where they had not a clue on what to do with a quarterback. He has played well in Denver. Tebow gets bumped back farther and farther. I have already stated that Tebow's best chance at success was fired. Hoge is someone the NFL fans would be wise to listen to. He is blunt. He is honest. He is smart.

-There are a lot of celebrities out there who are perceived as hot. Yet, I never hear about Ivanka Trump. Take away the last name and many people do not know who you are talking about. Beautiful, smart, and able to do something productive. I guess that is not hot in pop-culture but getting drunk and painting yourself orange is.

-"The last thing I would do if I was a professional athlete is have a Twitter account." -Derek May
Another athlete is dismissed from a college program for their use of a social networking site. It is sad that these kids are derailing their chances at ever becoming professional simply because of their misuse of the social web-site. Many companies understand that social networking is a phenomenon that engulfs more Americans every day. They outline policies on what is acceptable and what is not. Some coaches are smart and set guidelines. Some ban it completely. Either way, athletes (and people in general) need to be more cognizant of how they use these windows into their lives.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Graceless God vs. Thankful Pariah

Last Friday, Dennis Rodman was inducted into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame. He made a couple of unsuccessful attempts to start his speech with former coach Phil Jackson nearby. Rodman, who was considered flamboyant and is more than colorful, was colorful only in appearance. Rodman struggled to maintain control over his voice and emotions. His speech talked about how he struggled to get out of the projects. While he did mention his dad with contempt and his mother with a sense of disappointment, he spent most of his speech thanking the people that made him into the Hall of Famer. Throughout Rodman's address, he looked like he felt undeserving and overwhelmed. He admitted that he should have been a better father, husband and son. Rodman even went as far as to vent that he hopes to one day be a better son for the mother he sounded disappointed in.

Two years earlier, Rodman's former teammate Michael Jordan received the same honor. While Jordan was as emotionally honest as Rodman, maybe these were emotions that would have been better reserved for a book or an in-depth interview. Unlike Dennis, Jordan came across as incredibly arrogant. He spent the better part of 20+ minutes talking about how people constantly set hurdles in front of him and how he overcame them. Jordan had his thank yous but also had his moments of "I succeeded in spite of you." While those words never left Jordan's mouth, (and personally I am not sure that this is the way he wanted to come across) that was the impression most people left with.

In the 1990's Jordan was a god. He was literally worshipped by fans across the nation. I was guilty. If it had Jordan's name on it, people had to have it. I just couldn't afford it. Gatorade even ran the ad campaign "Be Like Mike" in associating itself the the pinnacle of the sport. The nation mourned for him at the revelation that his father had been murdered. Yet, when the moment to honor Jordan came, he took one last chance to honor himself.

It is interesting how we as fans cannot separate the person from the athlete. Jordan's speech by itself was not an indication of who Jordan was. However, it was the reports that popped up in the following days stating that the speech should come of no surprise to those who followed Jordan behind the scenes. To us who treated Jordan as a god and excused whatever "minor" transgressions he had committed, it was stunning.

Jordan pointed out his high school basketball coach as one of many who added "wood to the fire." Rodman started by thanking his assistant basketball coach at Southeastern Oklahoma State Lonn Reisman. (Shameless plug of Alma mater: Lonn Reisman is now the basketball coach at Tarleton State University.) Who thanks the assistant coach at a no name college? Jordan spoke on why he was great. Rodman thanked those who made him great and apologized to those he failed. Jordan's speech can be found in three parts totaling 23 minutes and 20 seconds. Rodman's can be seen in one clip and falls just short of 13 minutes. Jordan was proud. Rodman was humbled.

I do not know either man personally. I do know they were great on the court. Honestly, I felt Jordan might have come across in a way he didn't intend. Or at least I hope that is the case. Otherwise his ego will never allow him to see the contributions others have made toward his success.

Side Thoughts

-Texas A&M threatened to join the SEC last year but they didn't when Texas declined to join the PAC-10. This year they threatened again. Unfortunately, the SEC was unaware that they had even extended the invitation. That is because they hadn't. Longhorn coach Mack Brown stated that the Big "12" would be fine. So A&M is left looking unimportant in two conferences.

-While on the subject of A&M, I would like to direct my attention to one of their esteemed alum. Governor Rick Perry invited several thousand people to get together for a day of prayer and fasting. For the record, I am completely for believers getting together and praying. However, this did not seem like a meeting for spiritual purposes. It felt more like a "rally-the-conservative-Christians-together-because-I-am-about-to-run-for-president" rally. Two scriptures came to mind as I read about this event: "And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full." (Matthew 6:5) and "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud" (1 Corinthians 13:4).

-Carlos Zambrano "retired" after being ejected from a game. I sincerely hope, he pulls everything together and returns to the pitcher he once was. Otherwise, what a waste.

-There is a quarterback controversy in Denver. Tim Tebow vs. Kyle Orton. I was really hopeful for Tebow. I thought he had a chance with Josh McDaniels as his coach. McDaniels has done some great work with quarterbacks. Unfortunately, Denver fired Tebow's best shot at being a success. I hope he succeeds. I just don't believe he will.

-Oklahoma Sooners' toughest games: at Florida State, vs. Texas in Dallas, and at Oklahoma State. There is no reason they should not be playing in the national title game. However, one slip-up, and they won't be.

-Lastly, I will allow my nerdiness to shine through on this one (as if I don't already). WWE's SummerSlam looked like it had a good ending. CM Punk defeats John Cena while his foot is on the rope. This would allow for the story to continue. Instead, WWE decided to trot out Kevin Nash to jackknife CM Punk. Okay. Unexpected but that is a good thing. Then... Albert the River (or as Vince McMahon wants me to refer to him as Alberto Del Rio). Walks out, takes advantage of rules I won't get into and wins the WWE championship. Royal Rumble winner, Money In the Bank winner, WWE Champion and no one still has a clue as to who this guy is. That doesn't speak well of Mr. the River.